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Video of praising God for the house
1. We believe that Scripture consists of the 39 books of the Old Testament and the 27 books of the New Testament as originally inspired and given by the Holy Spirit. We believe that Scripture is infallible, inerrant, and to be received, read, believed and obeyed as the written Word of God.
2. We believe Scripture reveals only one living and true God, who exists in the three persons of the Godhead: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. These three are one God, the same in substance, equal in power and glory.
3. We believe in the full deity and full humanity of Jesus Christ, in his virgin birth, his sinless life, his miracles, his substitutionary and atoning death, his bodily resurrection, his ascension to the right hand of God the Father, his present rule over and intercession for the Church, and that he will visibly return to earth in power and glory.
4. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, whose work of regeneration is essential for salvation. By the Spirit’s sanctifying power, which indwells all believers in Christ, we are enabled to live godly lives of worship and service. He applies to Christian believers the work of Christ. By justification and adoption believers are given a right standing before God; by regeneration, sanctification and glorification a believer’s nature is renewed.
5. The believer, having turned to God in repentance and in faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, is fully justified by faith, but is also commanded by God to live a life separated from sin and characterized by the fruit of the Spirit, though we can only do this with God’s help. It is a Christian’s responsibility to contribute by word and deed to the universal spread of the Gospel.
6. We believe in the bodily resurrection of every person for the final day of judgment before the Lord Jesus Christ — the lost to eternal punishment and the saved to eternal life.
7. We also believe in the biblical view of marriage and sexuality as revealed in Scripture.
8. We believe that human beings are created by God in His image. Therefore, every person, from conception to natural death, possesses inherent dignity and immeasurable worth regardless of their decisions—including preborn children, elderly individuals, those with special needs, and others marginalized by society. Christians, then, are called to protect and care for all human life.
If you have any questions about Jesus or Christian faith, we would love to talk with you.